Programming Symbols and Their Meaning

Programming Symbols and Their Meaning

According to Wikipedia A symbol in programming is a primitive data type whose instances have a unique human-readable form.

In this article we will have a close look at some of the most common symbols we encounter whenever we decide to write any program. Actually you did encounter some on your first ever program to write.

Lets get started:

The list :

  1. Semicolon ;
    Curly Braces (9).png This symbol tells the compiler that you have reached the end of a statement. In simple words we can say it ends the line of code
  2. Curly Braces {}

    Curly Braces.png This helps us group sections of code for use in different constructs. Care should be taken to always close an opened brace. In python they are also used in listing a set: ex
    c = {7, 8, 9}
  3. Brackets ()

    Curly Braces (1).png They are commonly used to hold parameters or arguments for subroutines, the brackets can also be used for comparison as part of selection constructs. In python they are also used in listing a tuple listing: ex:
    b = (4, 5, 6)
  4. Equal sign =

    Curly Braces (2).png Assigns the value of a valuable to something else.
  5. Is equal to ==

    Curly Braces (3).png Compares two values and returns True if they are the same.
    <, <=, >=, > are also used for comparisons.
  6. Is not equal to !=

    Curly Braces (4).png compares two values and returns True only if they are not the same. The symbol ! can be used as the logical concept NOT in most languages.
  7. Double Quotes " "

    Curly Braces (5).png Used to denote that you are writing a string directly into the code. It allows you to store a combination of numbers, letters and symbols.
  8. Single Quote ''

    Curly Braces (8).png Used to show that you are writing a single character directly into the code. It also allows you to store only one number letter, or symbol.
  9. Square Brackets []

    Curly Braces (7).png They are used to define the use of an array. Note that array indexes starts at 0, so the first element of an array is array[0].

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