CAPTCHA and REcaptcha Services online.

CAPTCHA and REcaptcha Services online.

Get money from this side hustle.

I am sure you must have encountered Captcha on the internet several times. Remember those times when you are signing up for a website and they ask you to enter the word written in an image or choose specifically related images to verify that you are a human and not a robot or something else.

In order to keep these measures, there has been the introduction of services and many software that are believed it's easy for humans to solve but not for bots, we are taking off the CAPTCHA service.

Now, we have many companies that have developed software for clients to do the task, but today we shift our focus to 2CAPTCHA, how you as a customer can get the best out of their services.

What is 2Captcha?

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2Captcha is a hub for those who need their images recognized in real-time and those ready to take the job to make it happen, plus it is reliable and affordable for many customers. It helps solve your captchas with higher accuracy and efficiency.

2Captcha for Customers

For 2Captcha's customers, they need quick and simple captchas for users of their website to answer. This is important because time and time people encounter errors while solving these puzzles and his may cause delays in their business. And remember Time is money, so aside from annoying people and stopping them in their tracks… 2captcha is here to prevent you from incurring company losses.

Do you need to bypass captchas automatically? If the answer to this question is yes then you are at the right place. With 2Captcha for customers, you will be able to get those done for you. So, how exactly does it work?

To get started with the Custome bundle, first, you will need to do the following:

  • Register for an account

  • Choose the service, in this case, " I'M A CUSTOMER "

  • Top up your account funds

  • You will be provided with an API key on the settings page, which you will insert into your software

The API provided allows the customers to automate the process and integrate their software to the 2Captcha service. With the provided API you will also be able to get information like your current account balance, the charge rates, and a summary of the tasks that you have handed out.

2Captcha is a human-powered image and CAPTCHA recognition service, and its main purpose is to solve CAPTCHAS in a quick and accurate manner by human employees so that its customers get instant access to a website that they are trying to access, this is because it has a pool of workers online who can recognize up to 10 000 captchas per minute.

Customer's Price plan

2Captcha offers low prices with higher accuracy, plans offered by this platform are affordable and customer-friendly. Customer's charges are fixed, A customer will have to pay $0.76 per 1000 normal captchas and $2.99 for 1000 Recaptchas. 1630389469263.png

For the solving speed for a normal capture, you will be able to get your results within 17s and for a Recaptcha within 39s.

Workflow of 2Captcha

  1. The worker will request a captcha if available then the worker is placed in a queue waiting for the captcha.
  2. Customers uploads a captcha to our service
  3. A unique ID to the captcha, send this ID to the customer and charge his balance for solving the captcha.
  4. The Captcha is assigned to a worker from the queue and solves it.
  5. The answer is stored in the database and the worker is paid for work done.
  6. The answers are provided to the customers when asked for, if the answer is incorrect it is rechecked by high-rated workers who decide on it.

Customer's FAQs

For any chance, if you may have any questions related to the customer's services offered the platform has a customer's FAQ section HERE which will be able to clear your mind with any doubts that you may have.


As of this moment, you already have an overview of how 2Captcha works and the advantages it has in hand for you, having all your tasks handled for you within just a few seconds. If you are looking for reliable captcha solving services this will be a good start for you. According to its reviews, it's ranked at the top compared to its competitors. It is said to be trustworthy with high accuracy and affordable prices to cater to all.

I hope find the article helpful and feel free to reach and share the article on social media.

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